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The Path of Surrendering and Letting Go

Release the urge to control the outcome of the future.

Photo by: Tara Winstead : Pexels

Holding on to what you believe will happen in the future creates a strong attatchment towards the outcome.

In your mind a million different scenarios may begin to play out.

What if I say this wrong?
What if this doesn’t happen?
What if they don’t like what I’m wearing?

As we know, life is unpredictable. How many times have you thought out a situation in your head and it has played out exactly how you imagined?

Chances are it is very slim.

Constantly thinking about future events, whether positive or a negative, detatches us from the present moment. Not allowing us to fully enjoy the here and now.

I can plan a summer holiday to go to the beach and obsess about it whilst I’m stuck at work.

I can cross out the date on my calender, pack my bag early and plan my whole vacation way in advance.

But when the day finally arrives and I feel the hot sand beneath my feet, black clouds begin to fill the sky and the heavens rain down upon me.

Completely out of my control and something I wasn’t prepared for! In that moment I would feel let down as after all that planning and anticipation, it didn’t live up to my expectations. I would be left with dissapointment and a soggy pair of socks.

This is where letting go comes into play. Everything happens for a reason. As corny as this may sound, it is true.

New beginnings are often dusguised as painful endings — Lao Tzu

This is where trust is needed. But I hear you ask, what are you supposed to trust?

A religious man would say God, an athiest may say the universe, I would say in yourself.

Have the belief that everything will pan out the way it should, even if at the current moment it doesn’t feel like it, there is always a bright side to every situation.

By simply letting go, anxiety about the future begins to dissipate.
What is there to worry about if you’re not worried about the outcome?

You are comfortable with any situation that life throws at you, this comes with self belief and the abilty to improvise at any given moment.

We can also try out some other helpful methods -

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment without judgment.

Practising mindfullnes meditation will allow you to stay grounded and help you be more aware of your thoughts and feelings.

When a thought arrises about the future that is uncontrollable in the present, you can simply acknowledge, observe and let the thought go.

Mindfulness can also help you cultivate a sense of acceptance and non-judgment towards yourself and others, which can be helpful when we’re faced with one of lifes many problems.

Photo by : SHVETS Production : Pexels

Attachment to outcomes is a common source of stress and anxiety.
Attatchments commonly arrise when we connect our thoughts and emotions towards the future.

You want something to happen. You need this thing to be happen in this exact way. What if you all you need is right here in the present.

Sit with that thought for a moment.

We often attach ourselves to certain outcomes or expectations, and when things don’t go according to plan, it can dampen our spirit.

Letting go of attachment means recognizing that we don’t have control over every situation, and that somethings are just not meant to be.

Practicing self-care is an important aspect of letting go towards attatchments.

Taking care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally can help you feel more grounded and centered in the present moment.

Knowing that you are the best possible version of yourself allows you to surrender to any outcome as it won’t change who you are deep down.

Self-care can come in a variety of different ways:

Surrendering to the outcome and letting go of attatchments simply means to embrace the unknown and be open to new experiences and opportunities.

When I began my travels, I had no clue where I was heading. Sounds silly but part of me trusted that everything will turn out fine.

Along the way challenges presented themselves. Letting go and not worrying about the outcome allowed me to breeze past them with ease. Being able to better myself after leaping over the hurdles of life, allowed me to truly become who I am today.

Recognise that there’s not one “right” path in life and that sometimes the best things happen when we least expect them.

Embracing the unknown can be frightening, but it can also be incredibly liberating and enlightening.

Jump into the deep end!

Surrendering to the unknown and releasing yourself from attatchments can seem unatural at first.

Wanting the need to know what will happen allows us to feel at home. Tucked up nice and cozy in our comfort zone.

We believe that if we think long and hard enough we will figure out all the problems that may occur.

After all we are problem solvers at heart.

But with this, arrises fear of failure and a flood of anxious thoughts of what could go wrong. Mentally preparing us for failure!

Having the inner belief and courage to tell yourself that you’ll be fine under any circumstances allows a huge sense of freedom.

Rather than worrying about what could happen, let go and see everything as an oppurtunity to learn and grow.

Improving your own wellbeing daily will drive your confidence up to new levels.

Remain present in the here and now and realise that your thoughts are simply thoughts. Do not become attatched to fantasies in your head.

Live in the now, breath in deeply and let go of worrying about what could happen.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda!

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